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Stanley Elementary School - IRR

For my first internship, I was at Stanley Elementary School with their IRR Special Education classroom. I spent about 5 weeks in with this classroom. In this internship, I rotated between four IRR classrooms, where I worked with grades K-5 in reading, math, and social skills. I loved this observation and grew close with the students and teachers. Each grade level group was working on something different, so it was great to see the different aspects of working with children who have IEPs.

The teachers in IRR Special Education at Stanley were amazing with their students. They really focused on building relationships with their students and developing their individual goal. They are always moving and working, rarely having any down-time because of the large number of students they have needing support. Despite this, they support each other very well and are positive.

My favorite thing about this observation was developing a relationship with a first grade student. She loved to learn to read so much and was always looking for ways to show love and kindness to other students. Every day, she was elated to see me. I even got a Valentine from here during their Valentine's Day Party!

My internship at Stanley Elementary taught me that I enjoy working in an IRR setting. I believe I could definitely be an IRR teacher someday. It is so wonderful to see students meet education and interpersonal goals and celebrate with them.

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