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CAPS Projects

Reading Intervention Program

Every Monday, I go with a team of students from CAPS Teacher Education to Stanley Elementary. We work with the Reading Specialist, Mrs. Healy, to do a Reading Intervention Program with students. We spend time working with both 2nd graders and 5th graders. First we work with statistically high achieving 2nd grade students to challenge them to grow in their reading skills. The second half of the program, we mentor fifth graders who once struggled with reading to teach second graders who need extra reading coaching. 


Volunteerism Passion Project

I am working with the a variety of special needs organizations in KC to develop a product to advertise to students the importance of volunteering with the special needs community. I am partnering with directors to create a tri-fold product to advertise the volunteer needs for their organization. It will also include the necessary steps for students to take to volunteer with the organization. It is my goal to work with  these organizations frequently to update the product with their new opportunities and support more organizations to promote volunteer opportunities for students. 


Wolf Springs Elementary Cohort

I worked with a team of students from CAPS and 4th and 5th  grade teachers from Wolf Springs Elementary School to develop the Teacher Education Cohort rotation. The 4th and 5th grade students at Wolf Springs came to CAPS and had the opportunity to learn about a variety of career Cohorts. We planned an activity day for the groups coming through a Teacher Education rotation that featured a variety of different activities teachers do to add creative elements to the learning process. The students got to interview for the Cohort that interested them the most and participate in it at their home school every Friday afternoon.


Educators Rising

Educators Rising is a national organization that "cultivates highly skilled educators by guiding young people on a path to becoming accomplished teachers, beginning in high school and extending through college and into the profession." I am the President for CAPS Teacher Education's chapter of Ed Rising. This semester, I have helped plan our trip to Dallas, Texas, and created fundraising events to support the students from our class going to Nationals. 

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