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Harmony Elementary School - LIFT

In this observation I worked with Mrs. Kasey Miller and her team of Paraprofessionals in the LIFT classroom. LIFT stands for Learning through Intensive Functional Teaching. Every student in the LIFT classroom has autism. At my time at Harmony Elementary School, I worked with three different students with their Paras in their classroom and the LIFT classroom. The teachers at Harmony with students in LIFT do a great job with inclusion in their classroom and teaching students to be inclusive with their peers who have autism. 

I loved getting to know the students in this classroom. They are all so smart and loving in their own ways. I have learned a lot about Low-incidence SPED and how to create lesson plans such as workboxes for the students to work on specific goals. I appreciate Mrs. Miller and the Paras being so welcoming with me and allowing me to join their family for a month. I was able to learn so much about working with students with autism. I know for sure now that I want to pursue a masters in Low-incidence SPED.

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